Experience with the Friars of the Verna and Visit to the Secret Rooms



"Cooperativa In Quiete"



Cosa include?

The sanctuary of La Verna is located in the Tuscan Apennines. The mountain, covered by a monumental forest of beech and fir trees, is visible from all over the Casentino and from the upper Val Tiberina and has an unmistakable shape with its summit (1283 m) cut down from the peak by three parts. Above the rock and surrounded by the forest is the large complex of the Sanctuary that inside its massive and articulated architecture contains many treasures of spirituality, art, culture and history.

From the idea of three young people with different work experiences, the “Cooperative In Quiete” was born in January 2014. Environmental guides, educators, communicators, forest doctors: many different training paths for each of us, combined in a single bet on professionalism, about passion, about friendship. A goal, believe and invest in responsible and sustainable tourism for the paths of the Apennines, as well as environmental education in schools for the future of the new generations, all combined by a deep spirit of enhancement of nature and the historical and cultural traditions of the area. The name comes from a live album, recorded when we were still children, that we have in common and that has seen us grow… a name that although distant between us has united us in the wake of common passions and interests.

• Private walking tour with guide in the forest of San Francesco and a day with the friars of La Verna. In the morning excursion to the Monumental Forest of La Verna, considered a jewel of biodiversity and symbol of the National Park of Casentino Forests. Packed lunch for the participants. In the afternoon, visit in the company of the friars of the Sanctuary and some rooms not open to the public. Dinner, bed and breakfast at the Sanctuary, surrounded by the magic of silence and spirituality that permeates this place.
• Valid for two persons, organized by “Cooperativa In Quiete”.

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