Circus Art



"Circo Tascabile"



Cosa include?

The circus was defined by the writer Ernest Hemingway “the only eternal pleasure that you can get by paying”. In the square, its natural home, the traveling show was a type of genuine and direct fun: trained dogs, fakirs and acrobats, traveling families that with a few spotlights, a simple glass and plastic chairs recreate the atmosphere of the chapiteau, a form of popular travelling show devised in 1779 by the Englishman Philip Astley, former Sergeant Major of the Dragoons who organized in London the equestrian acrobatics and the funambulism of the acrobats: It was then the Udinese Antonio Franconi to take over the management of the Parisian amphitheater founded in 1782 by Astley himself and later to give impetus to circus activity in Italy.

“Circo Tascabile” is an Amateur Sports Association that plays a role of approach and diffusion of the contemporary Circus (the one without animals) intended as a tool for social and artistic promotion but also for personal growth; so understood the circus turns out to be an activity suitable for people of all ages. Since 2009 the Circus Pocket is active on the territory of Val of Sieve, Valdarno and the metropolitan area of Florence with stable courses, projects in schools, training for teachers but also for young artists, workshops in the square, summer camps, events and entertainment .

• Circus workshop to be chosen from the following disciplines: Juggling, Aerial acrobatics, Acroportes, Tightrope walking held by personal trainers specialized and professional circus teachers with proven previous work experience.
• Duration: 2 hours, Clothing: exercise suit.
• Valid for two people organized “Circo Tascabile”.

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