Excellence Cashmere II



"Il Borgo Cashmere"

"Gift Ideas"


Cosa include?

The hand of cashmere is soft, silky and velvety, gives a warm and soft feeling. The thinnest and finest part is the down of the under coat and is called duvet, that is the lower layer soft and woolly; the thickest part with rigid and rough hairs comes from the outer coat and is called giarre. To collect it, a manual combing of the coat is done during the wetsuit season, which takes place in spring. Production averages between 100 and 200 grams of fine hair per adult animal.

Founded in 1949, “Il Borgo Cashmere” is a hotbed of ideas and experimentation, combining unique craftsmanship know-how with the latest creative and technical innovations. The Fredducci family has been running “Il Borgo Cashmere” for four generations, with the passion to produce only the highest quality products and a strong commitment to the local community.

• Selection of garments in cashmere. Each garment, made by our artisans and in the best quality of cashmere, features stitches and embroidery that make it unique and inimitable.
• Valid for an item chosen from the items selected according to the price range visible in the company, made by “Il Borgo Cashmere”.

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