Forest Bathing in the Forests of Casentino



"Rifugio Fangacci"



Cosa include?

Hermitage is a Greek word meaning desert. So the structure of the Sacred Hermitage is inspired by the spirituality of the desert fathers: monks who retired from the first centuries of Christianity in the deserts of Syria, Palestine, Egypt to live a daily life interwoven with prayer, silence, solitude, work, stay in cell etc. Romualdo, around the year 1025, founding the Sacred Hermitage of Camaldoli, refers to the architecture of Eastern Laura. It is a cluster of hermit cells with the church for common prayer. At the beginning there were five cells, now the cells of the Sacred Hermitage of Camaldoli are twenty and are distributed in five rows that wind past the gate of the cloister.

Each refuge is an experience, a story in itself, an itinerary to follow, a forest to explore, a forest to listen to. The “Rifugio Fangacci” , built in the 50s and owned by Police Corps of the Biodiversity department of Pratovecchio. Located in the heart of the Casentino Forests National Park, it is located between the Camaldoli Hermitage and the village of Badia Prataglia, at Fangacci Pass.

• One night in refuge in the Casentino forests, excluding generator costs.
• Guided half-day bike tour from the refuge to the Sacred Hermitage of Camaldoli.
• Valid for two people at the “Rifugio Fangacci”.

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