In the Kitchen with the Adzora




Tosco-Romagnolo Appennino

In Romagna one of the most important roles of the home is that of the Azdora or Arzdora. It is often found a little ‘dirty flour, with a rolling pin on the cutting board ready to roll out the dough. But the Arzdora is something more, it is the true backbone of the family and, not surprisingly, browsing the dictionary of Romagna dialect we discover that in Italian Azdora means: Reggitrice, housewife, the one who presides over the government of the house. The word “strapping” recalls this support function.

At one time the arzdora, or the ruler for household things, was usually the wife of the householder and had to “look after the house, prepare the food, wait for all the necessary housework”. Even today when we talk about Arzdora we talk about genuine and handmade cuisine. For the people of Romagna the azdora was, is and always will be more than a myth a beloved institution.

  • The Azdora Giulia opens the doors of her home. Put your hands in the dough and let yourself be carried away by her passion! The experience includes a cooking lesson to prepare a homemade pasta, a second or a dessert, with a dinner of prepared products.
  • • Valid for two people made by “Giulia Melandri”.


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