Pizza Under the Stars




"Fattoria degli Usignoli"

Kitchen Tradition


Cosa include?

Located at the extreme east of the Province of Florence, Reggello extends over an area of about 122 km² that rises from the bottom of the Arno valley along the slopes of the Pratomagno mountain ridge, which separates it from the Casentino. Beyond the valley, crossed by the river Arno, the Chianti hills separate the upper Valdarno from the territory of Siena.
The “Fattoria degli Usignoli”, built by the Vallombrosani friars in the fifteenth century, is located in the municipality of Reggello and as a balcony overlooking the beautiful countryside of Valdarno and Chianti. Charm and nature come together here in one of the most beautiful realities of the Florence countryside.

• Dinner under the stars with gourmet pizza, drinks included.
• Valid for two people at “Fattoria degli Usignoli”.

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