Authentic Flavors at the Table



"Antica Porta di Levante Locanda"

Kitchen Tradition


Cosa include?

There is nothing better than tasting a product freshly picked from the garden or from the field. There is nothing more reassuring than knowing the origin of a food. There is nothing more environmentally friendly than buying locally sourced food. Always a farm in Florence, the Mugello produces milk, meat, oil, wine, honey, cereals, potatoes without forgetting the brown of the Mugello IGP. And of course the local cuisine uses local products to make simple but tasty dishes.

The cuisine of “Locanda Antica Porta di Levante” follows the seasonality of the products and their producers, without disdaining some digression in Italy or abroad when the raw material is of excellence. The menu varies once a month and as already said it is built according to what the market offers, all the dishes are produced including fresh pasta and desserts.

• Dinner with unique flavors to discover a quality raw material and short-chain flavors, tasting menu with five courses.
• A bottle of wine of our selection.
• Valid for two people at the “Locanda Antica Porta di Levante”.

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