Artisan Traditions and Tasting



"Palazzo dei Vicari"



Cosa include?

The “Palazzo dei Vicari”, of fourteenth-century layout, has undergone over the centuries numerous restorations and transformations. The facade of the palace collects the traces of the Medici power with the coats of arms on the facade, members of the family who covered at different times the important republican office. The building consists of a massive and elongated central body equipped with protruding devices (due, on the stretch overlooking the square, to a modern restoration) and equipped with a shoe base.

The old “Bottega del Coltellinaio” of Via Solferino in Scarperia, represents the surviving testimony of the working environment of the cutler and still retains the machines and equipment for the artisanal processing of the knife that took place there.

• It will be possible to see a master cutler during the processing of a knife, as well as try his hand at its realization, using the ancient machines and the ancient forge. Participants will then be given a book on the history of sharp irons of Scarperia, and following a toast accompanied by typical Tuscan local products on the impressive tower of the keep, located in the renovated battlements, on the walls of the fourteenth-century palace. It will be possible to admire the splendid panorama of Scarperia from above at sunset.

• Valid for two people at “Palazzo dei Vicari” di Scarperia.

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